Our Charity Shop
We are very grateful to The Skelmanthorpe Liberal Organisation grant fund for the replacement of the signage at our charity shop
Our Charity Shop is situated just round the corner from the church building on Huddersfield Road in Skelmanthorpe (opposite Aucklands Opticians and the Grove Pub) just before it becomes Commercial Road.
You are very welcome to browse the items in our shop - they include clothing for all ages, bric-a-brac, CD's, toys, jewelry, books, etc, and so on (no electrical items).
Items are kindly donated to us for sale, whether used, good as new, or brand new.
Opening hours are
Monday to Friday 10.00am until 4.00pm
Saturday from 10.00am : until 1.00pm.
The shop provides much needed income for the Church - among other things we are maintaining a listed cultural heritage building without any public funding. We also give some of the shop income to local charities and good causes each year.
Please come and take a look without obligation, you are welcome, thank you - and please get in touch with us if you can volunteer a few hours to help in the shop, whether regularily or occasionally.