Our Charity shop is open and trading:
Monday - Friday. 10 - 4 pm
Saturday. 10 - 1pm
Our popular Coffee Mornings are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 - Noon.
Friends of St Aidan's Monthly Draw (contact Russ Clarkson if you require joining information)
Monthly prizes are £15, £10, £5, with addtional Midsummer and Christmas bonuses for one winner of £30
December Prize winners:
1st Prize £15 - 62 Shirley Ward
2nd Prize £10 - 97 Kathleen Hey
3rd Prize £5 - 81 Steve Razzell
The £30 Christmas bonus : 34 - Brian Ferguson
Babies and Toddlers
You might enjoy the Babies and Toddler Group who meet weekly in church from 9.00am -11.00am until 17th December 2024. It is free, no subscription, but donations welcome for refreshments, you do not have to book, just turn up.
During the winter months the group will meet monthly only on:- January 7th, February 4th, March 4th
Messy Church
Messy Church runs on the second Saturday of the month (except July and August) at 4.00pm for families - games, creative activities, a short time of worship, and then tea.
Harvest 2024
- At Harvest £150 was raised for Christian Aid.
- £350 to The Childrens Society (boxes opened and counted)
- Fresh produce went to The Skelmanthorpe Community Pantry
- Dried and Tinned food to Barnsley Refuge
Royal British Legion
- Remembrance Sunday collection £150 + a donation of £35 for poppy wreath
- The school collected £317 from the sale of Remembrance merchandise
Christmas 2024
- £500 donated to each of the following Huddersfield Welcome Centre, Kirkwood Hospice, Yorkshire Aid Convoy
- Christmas Retiring Collections for The Church Army and Shelter
- Childrens Society £250 (Christingle collection)
Christian Aid Week May 2024
Total village collection which included church contrtibution - £1485.00
Barnsley Womens Refuge
- We continue to regularly support the refuge with gifts of food, household cleaning materials and toiletries