
We take our Safeguarding issue really seriously and our policies approved by the Diocese and the Church of England are designed to underpin this.

St Aidan's Safeguarding Officer:

Mrs Janice Holmes   Mobile: 07508 591 863 or 01484 864855

Diocese Safeguarding Team:

Team email:   Office Number: 0113 353 0257

  • Juliette Mclellan Head of Safeguarding 
  • Jenny Leccardi Safeguarding Advisor
  • Narrinder Lyon Safeguarding Advisor
  • Sam McMorland Assistant Safeguarding Advisor


Kirklees Safeguarding Team

Child daytime 01484 456848 Out of hours 01484 414933

Adult daytime 01484 221000 Out of hours 01484 414933

Leeds Diocesan Environmental Policy Statement, Promoting a Safer Church, House of Bishops 2017 was reviewed and adopted at our church on the 2nd December 2024

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